"Witch's Hunt" takes you on an enchanted journey through a mystical forest, where witches are hunted by humans. The ancient forest, determined to protect the witch's home, hid her home among the mysteries, and tasks her with collecting 14 magical gems that will guide her back safely. To reach her sanctuary, the witch must gather ALL the gems, overcoming obstacles and defeating greedy beings guarding the precious treasures.


Armed with her magical abilities, the witch can double her jump using potions to conquer tall barriers. Along the way, she encounters creatures driven by greed, standing between her and the gems. It's a race against time as the witch battles these foes to secure her passage and return home safely.


Embark on this spellbinding platformer adventure, where precision, strategy, and a touch of magic are the keys to success. Will you guide the witch through the challenges of the enchanted forest and ensure her safe return home? The pursuit of gems, the thrill of defeating adversaries, and the mystical atmosphere make "Witch's Hunt" an hunt for home and an hunt by humans. 

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